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Finding Your True

Live Fully - Love Deeply - Forgive Quickly - Be Present, Always - Never Give Up
Keeping Our Word

Keeping Our Word

Sometimes a lot of us really struggle with keeping our word.  You know, doing what we say we are going to do. If we say we are going to do something or help someone or take action on something then we need to make sure we do it!  Part of the problem is...

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Focus on Integrity…Not Fame and Fortune

Focus on Integrity…Not Fame and Fortune

In society today we are so focused on people that have money and fame and not keeping the focus on integrity enough.  We spend so much time watching these people, commenting on their lives and spending money to try to be like them that we lose sight of...

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Keeping Integrity with Good Habits

Keeping Integrity with Good Habits

A big question I am sure you are asking yourself as we go through this series about integrity may be, “Is it possible to live a life of integrity and have every action and decision be one made with integrity?”  I want to say it's definitely possible with...

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True To Integrity

True To Integrity

Once you have made some good progress and really started on your journey towards living a life of integrity you may find that at times it seems difficult to keep it up and continue on with the lifestyle of integrity.  Just like many of us there are going...

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Finding Integrity

Finding Integrity

Continuing with my discussion on Integrity today I want to talk about how to obtain it in your life. This raises the question is it possible to obtain a personality trait that you don't currently have? Can you change a part of who you are or strengthen a...

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Living With Integrity

Living With Integrity

Integrity, what in the world is it?  The dictionary definition of it is: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The state of being whole and undivided. Ok, well that leads to the question of what does moral mean?...

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Opportunities To Be Generous

Opportunities To Be Generous

The opportunities in life to be generous are endless.  The opportunities can come at us on a daily basis and challenge us to think about others before ourselves.  From the person standing on the street corner asking for money to the individual that is sick...

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A World Of Equals

A World Of Equals

People that think they are better than someone else make me mad.  We all breathe oxygen, we all have the same kind of blood pumping through our veins.  We are equals except that the choices in life that we make lead us down different paths.  The people...

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Finish What You Started

Finish What You Started

Momentum is powerful, it can get us through tough times and help us accomplish our goals. Once you are headed towards your goals and have built up some momentum and you are pushing past your emotional boundaries.  Now what? Well, you need to finish what...

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Clutter Will Take Your Momentum

Clutter Will Take Your Momentum

I want to return to my previous posts about the importance of having positive momentum in our lives.  One important aspect of keeping our momentum going is to not let ourselves get weighed down or slowed down by taking on too much extra stuff in our lives....

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