Momentum is powerful, it can get us through tough times and help us accomplish our goals. Once you are headed towards your goals and have built up some momentum and you are pushing past your emotional boundaries. Now what? Well, you need to finish what you started! You need to stay committed and not quit. Unfortunately quitting is easy and a safe way out. Now if there is something unhealthy in your life or something that is not making you a better person then you absolutely need to quit. However, when you are working on a goal that is beneficial to you and those around you and making you a better person in some way, then don’t quit!
Finishing A Goal Is Tough, But You Can Do It
Next to getting started with a goal finishing it is definitely one of the toughest parts of the process. It means you have to overcome all the hurdles and barriers in front of you and accomplish what you set out to do. The big question is, how do you do that? Here are 4 thoughts to help you finish strong. I know that they might seem overly simple but they really can be very powerful if you apply them in the moment
- See yourself accomplishing your goal
- Picture how it will feel and the benefits that will come from finishing
- Do not settle for good enough or almost there…you set out to accomplish the goal and you deserve to finish
- Stick to the plan that you made to accomplish your goal
If you want to be successful, or even just a better person you need to finish. Finish reading that book you started, finish your 8 week workout plan, finish the dishes(yes it even applies to the little things in life). This is important at every level of your life.
Not Finishing Things Leads To A Long List Of To-Do’s
Without finishing you will have too many things in progress and that can lead to a muddy life. When I say muddy I mean like the thick gooey deep mud you can barely get through, you pull so hard to get your feet out to take the next step and when you do it just pulls your shoes off! That’s what it is like sometimes when you have a whole pile of to-dos that have not been finished, you feel overwhelmed and stuck in the mud.
Take Joy In Accomplishing Every Goal And Task
You can overcome this mess by checking things off your list and accomplishing them, one by one. Don’t over do it by taking on too much but take joy in accomplishing each thing you do and use that to fuel your momentum to keep going. Don’t spend enough time in the mud to sink, just run through it. Go ahead, give it a try and be a finisher!!!
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