Finding Your True
Live Fully - Love Deeply - Forgive Quickly - Be Present, Always - Never Give Up
Rejection, are you overdosing on it?
Rejection is tough, no one likes to experience it and like a drug the feeling can hang around for a long time after we first feel it. I think we even get addicted to feeling rejected and after a while we look for reasons in life to feel rejected. Not...

Self Worth -Not Found In The Words Of Others
We all want people to like us. We enjoy getting along with people and feeling like others really care about us. Ideally that would happen 100% of the time and with everyone we come across. Unfortunately life is not always ideal and in fact at times it...

You Matter, More Than A Little
I post a lot about things that I know I often need to work on and a few things that you might need some work on too. Today I really wanted to take a moment and let you know that you matter! You do, really! You may not feel that you do, and you may even...

Make Your Habit Being Intentional Every Day
I have been going through physical therapy for my back, trying to reduce my pain and set myself up for some better days ahead. It is difficult to keep going sometimes, and sometimes I am in more pain because of it but I need to have a long term vision. I...

Quitting Won’t Get You Anywhere
If you are pursuing something positive, and it will benefit you or those around you then quitting should not be an option. Personally I really believe that quitting and giving up on goals and dreams is a huge problem with so many people. So many of us...

Balancing Talking And Listening In Conversation -Not Bulldozing
Each one of us has different personality and character traits and that can make it a struggle sometimes to connect with others in conversation. As we move through life our friendships often come and go in different seasons so we need to look out for new...

Anger -Does it Control You?
Anger is a problem, anger gets you in trouble and can often make you do things you would usually not do. Anger is often a reaction to someone or something that can easily cut you as deeply as it would cut whoever you are trying to keep away. It is so...

Positive Changes, Do You What It Takes To Make It Happen?
Sometimes we just need to make some changes...we are human afterall! Today I want to tackle a subject that might be a little painful to some of us, and might be a really good eye opener to others. How do we become a person that others want to...

Can You Find Your Smile Anymore?
Maybe it's cliche, but sometimes we just have to smile! Seriously, it probably sounds pretty cheesy that I am writing a post on needing to smile but really I believe it can make a big difference in your life. It really goes beyond just smiling and is...

Our Decisions Can Lead To Secrets We Have To Carry
Secrets Secrets Are No Fun, Secrets Secrets Hurt Someone! Welcome back for honesty part 2, what to do when you have secrets that you are keeping. Secrets always, and I mean always have a way of coming to the surface. Often times they are right when we do...
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