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Are You Struggling With Fear?

Are You Struggling With Fear?

I know it might be shocking, it might shake your reality a little and it might even make you a little mad (it should!!) but I want to let you know that you are being lied to.  Often, and about a great many things in this world!  The lies we are being fed are as old as...
We All Need Authority In Our Lives

We All Need Authority In Our Lives

Whether we like it or not, our lives are always under the authority of someone else.  When you are born you have your parents.  As you grow older it is teachers, grandparents, coaches, professors, managers, police officers and the list goes on.  We can...
Forgiveness -When?

Forgiveness -When?

Forgiving someone can be a difficult process, especially if you do it correctly and with the finality that forgiveness should entail.  Depending on the situation it can take a long time and a lot of effort to forgive someone but no matter what the situation it is...
Why Change Can Be Good

Why Change Can Be Good

Change can be so difficult.  Change can shake us to our core and throw our lives into a tailspin that makes us feel like we will never recover from.  Change can be unexpected and sudden or happen in small increments over time. Many times it is difficult and unwelcome...